Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Full Manual Control = Sean making more videos

What up everyone,

So i know most people don't really care about this, but for my gear heads out there, Canon just released the new firmware update to my camera, the EOS 5D Mark II. Which allows the camera to now have full manual control when recording video, which is pretty sweet, so now people can now use this camera professionally, which is where it should be anyways.

This also means that you will be seeing more videos from me, that smoke video was shot in all Automatic mode, so now I can really start doing some awesome stuff. In my last post I mentioned that I landed a job for Krown, now there is actually a chance that I could bid on another job with them for two 30 second tv commercials. So i'm super pumped that my camera can produce professional broadcast quality footage. I hope this will lead to bigger and better things.

Ta Ta for now.


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