It's been awhile, I've been super busy lately. Currently I'm in the big city of Toronto working on the Krown print Ad's. We've ran into many set backs, but overall the final product is turning out awesome. Hopefully the photos will be released within a months to a few publications and billboards and websites. The first week that i was up here, I was able to try and help out at a film studio where Krown shot their TV spots. We worked at a wild Japanese Photographer/Cinematographer studio named Shin.....the studio was called Sugino Studios. I will tell you one thing, I have never experienced such an amazing experience. The Doll Hairs put into that studio and equipment(R.E.D and PhaseOne) were absolutely outrageous. Shin was legit. He had this one of a kind Soft Box that was about 41ft long by 10 wide, with about 30 lights in it made by Broncolor. He has the only one in Canada as far as i know and its incredible to look at, its all on hydraulics from the ceiling. Anyways, just wanted to share. I was able to snag a photo of some pre-light and of the RED cam with the iphone. Enjoy