Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Toronto Biz

Hey Folks,

It's been awhile, I've been super busy lately. Currently I'm in the big city of Toronto working on the Krown print Ad's. We've ran into many set backs, but overall the final product is turning out awesome. Hopefully the photos will be released within a months to a few publications and billboards and websites. The first week that i was up here, I was able to try and help out at a film studio where Krown shot their TV spots. We worked at a wild Japanese Photographer/Cinematographer studio named Shin.....the studio was called Sugino Studios. I will tell you one thing, I have never experienced such an amazing experience. The Doll Hairs put into that studio and equipment(R.E.D and PhaseOne) were absolutely outrageous. Shin was legit. He had this one of a kind Soft Box that was about 41ft long by 10 wide, with about 30 lights in it made by Broncolor. He has the only one in Canada as far as i know and its incredible to look at, its all on hydraulics from the ceiling. Anyways, just wanted to share. I was able to snag a photo of some pre-light and of the RED cam with the iphone. Enjoy


Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Video

I haven't been updating on this as much as i hoped i would be. I have a video for you, that I made the day the update came out for my camera, which allowed full manual control.
I also have some recent shots i took for a prom. I was bummed out because i only had 30 min to set up my gear, get the light right and shoot. It really sucked. But Im glad i got a chance to shoot it, I've been kinda lazy lately in shooting because Im working a lot and I can never get a chance to shoot.

So the date is coming closer and closer until I fly off to Toronto for Krown. My girlfriend is coming with me, and we're going to try and scoot up to Vancouver on our way home for some visiting. I also wanted to put up a link to my cousin Jonothan's website Dig Communications. He does awesome work.

Anyways, hit up my Flickr for the Photos

Heres the video aswell

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Full Manual Control = Sean making more videos

What up everyone,

So i know most people don't really care about this, but for my gear heads out there, Canon just released the new firmware update to my camera, the EOS 5D Mark II. Which allows the camera to now have full manual control when recording video, which is pretty sweet, so now people can now use this camera professionally, which is where it should be anyways.

This also means that you will be seeing more videos from me, that smoke video was shot in all Automatic mode, so now I can really start doing some awesome stuff. In my last post I mentioned that I landed a job for Krown, now there is actually a chance that I could bid on another job with them for two 30 second tv commercials. So i'm super pumped that my camera can produce professional broadcast quality footage. I hope this will lead to bigger and better things.

Ta Ta for now.


Friday, May 22, 2009


Hey dude's and dudette's,

Alright so i realize that I'm not updating this blog as much as i should be so i apologize. I wanted to tell everyone that i was bidding on a commercial job in Toronto in a few weeks for a company called Krown. They are an automotive company specializing in Rust Prevention and Lube and all that stuff. You've most likely at least seen their logo or something around.
I will be shooting their 2009 ad campaign. I'm super excited and hopefully this will somewhat break me into the commercial ad industry in Toronto. If you wanna check out the company their website is Krown

Peace for now.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

zzzzzzzzT-Shirt design

My boy cohen's designing t-shirts to win mad cheddar and wanted me to let everyone know about this so if you got 5 minutes, sign up and click on, I'd Buy it, As a Print, and Rate it a numero 5.


leaked out - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Smokey Smokey

Alright so i wanted to drop this link for a video i made awhile ago. check it.


Alright, so i guess i just decided to make the website live, a lot sooner then i had planned. There is a lot of work to be done.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Website Launch

Hey guys,

Just dropping a post to let everyone know that my website will be going live hopefully in a couple days so ya. Check it out!

Let me know if you guys can think of some improvements. Im knew to all of this
