Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Motion Work

Hey Everyone!

I dont know if you all remember the first video i made with my 5DMKII a couple years ago, and it involved me smoking a cigar, with really bright rim lights, and a very low key feel to it. I made that in a night really late at night when i had insomnia. I've currently been having the same issue of insomnia and well i made another video, which in no way has any meaning to it, but it is there strictly on a creative level to showcase dynamic low key lighting.

i shot it on the 5DMKII with a simple 24-105mm F/4L canon lens, then cut in FCP, and graded in MB.


oh, P.S here is the link to the first smoke video that i made which i was discussing uptop.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Video Work

Hey Everyone,

Check out the link below to my recent video project for Free The Children Charity.
Its been awhile since i've done video work, so hopefully everyone digs it.


Monday, November 22, 2010

New Work

Hey Everyone,

I really feel like i've given up on my blog. I need to start updating more. No more 4 month hiatus's anymore, even though I say it all the time.

Anyways, Heres some recent work that i've shot on film, which I never get a chance to do.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Hey Everyone!

If you get a chance, check out my recent interview with 68East Magazine. They've been doing some major revamping of their whole site and it looks great. check it!


Friday, May 28, 2010

New work

Hey Everyone,

Again, this is long overdue. Im going to try and start updating a lot more frequently. Ive recently learned that you really have to be persistent and always be updating your blog, or obviously people will lose interest and thats the last thing I want from everyone.

So as simple as it may be here is some recent work. I was lucky... to some extent to shoot my room mate again. Just some simple creatives. I was interested in possibly starting a series of photographs that involved vivid color mixed with a dynamic portrait.



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boxer The Horse

Hey everyone,

So this is long over due. I wish i had more to update right now but im currently living in Toronto, Canada now on the hunt for Photography.
Today i wanted to post a link to a Music video from Boxer The Horse, that my roomate Gavin Keen directed. Boxer The Horse is an indie alternative rock band from Prince Edward Island. Check the video and their myspace. Awesome stuff.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hey Folks,

I will definitely admit, its been way too long since i've updated my blog. I apologize, I had a lot of things going on. Im a few days shy of moving to Toronto, to do photography commercially. Im very excited, and there is so much work awaiting. Some projects in the works, and i can't wait to share them with everyone. I sadly haven't been doing much work as id hope in the past few months. I did however manage to pump out some really awesome shoots before christmas hit. I worked with Dj K0nflikt, from Charlottetown, and also Solid Gold Workout. Some awesome photos came out of it all, and am very happy with the final result. Anyways, i wanted to just pump out an update for everyone so you still know im kicking. You're going to be seeing a lot more updates in the next coming months hopefully.