Friday, May 22, 2009


Hey dude's and dudette's,

Alright so i realize that I'm not updating this blog as much as i should be so i apologize. I wanted to tell everyone that i was bidding on a commercial job in Toronto in a few weeks for a company called Krown. They are an automotive company specializing in Rust Prevention and Lube and all that stuff. You've most likely at least seen their logo or something around.
I will be shooting their 2009 ad campaign. I'm super excited and hopefully this will somewhat break me into the commercial ad industry in Toronto. If you wanna check out the company their website is Krown

Peace for now.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

zzzzzzzzT-Shirt design

My boy cohen's designing t-shirts to win mad cheddar and wanted me to let everyone know about this so if you got 5 minutes, sign up and click on, I'd Buy it, As a Print, and Rate it a numero 5.


leaked out - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More